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opening_rose.gif (19369 bytes)opening_rose.gif (19369 bytes)Ashley Court of Brighton
7400 Challis Road, Brighton, Michigan   48116

Ph: (810) 225-7400  Fax: (810) 225-8281

(Located next to Mt. Brighton Ski Resort)

Our Residents

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woman2.jpg (32149 bytes)Our Residents are individuals who have been diagnosed with an irreversible dementia such as Alzheimer's Disease.   They are individuals that range from mild dementia to late stages of Alzheimer Disease.  wpe141.jpg (6440 bytes)They may be ambulatory, in a wheelchair, in physically good health or suffer from a secondary diagnosis such as, Parkinson Disease.  They may not always need medical supervision but trained staff wpe13F.jpg (4556 bytes)is always available if needed.  Residents are encouraged to perform some of their own care and assist with simple instructions.   They are able to live in a social environment with other people.

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